A challenge was initiated in the newspaper called Asztallap (a Hungarian special newspaper) asking about the Mastermind game, how many steps can be used to guess the puzzle succesfully. Based on my research, it can be stated that a sure solution within 4 steps cannot be found. However, I managed to create a 6-step guessing algorithm in 2004. The question of the 5-step solution algorithm is still open. The original version of this program, written in Delphi in 2004, was basically designed to test this 6-step algorithms or any similar deterministic solving table. In addition, another goal is to convince skeptics that the 6 steps exists. Rewriting the old program is the current program that I started making in javascript in 2021.
In the first half of November 2021 I have developed the followings: in the easy usage section you can set the size of the game board, and in computer mode it is now possible to go back to a previous row of the evaluations.